Professional & Spotlight Styling

How you present yourself is an integral part of your Personal Brand  

Professional Styling

Professional Styling ensures you feel confident and at ease with how you present yourself in all professional environments.

Dressing comfortably & suitably while navigating the array of events a working week presents can prove challenging. Having listened to female & male clients over the years they also wish to reflect their individual Personal Brand outwardly. Assessing your Personal Brand and taking into account your role, I ensure you are always ready to focus on the task at hand without having to put energy into the decision making of how to look ready for it.  Professional Styling ensures you feel confident and at ease with how you present yourself in all professional environments.

Spotlight Styling

Spotlight Styling is the curation of full looks that give a depth of confidence when all eyes are on you during major events including when presenting, attending industry conferences and awards ceremonies.

With 22 years experience working in retail and on communications for luxury clothing brands I have in depth knowledge of quality pieces which will endure. I work with client’s wardrobes to style what they already have and complement this with carefully chosen quality pieces.  

Your Personal Style is a one of the foundations on which your Personal Brand is built

What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today, when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language.

Miuccia Prada

Let’s work together to build your Personal Brand through your Style 

What Clients are Saying